About Us
Best Cleaning Company with specialized staff in the servicesector aims to implement the needs and requirements of itscustomers in accordance with the highest standards andfully.Since its establishment, Best Cleaning Companydemonstrates an innovative approach in the field of cleaningin Azerbaijan and provides high quality services tocustomers.
Shortly after its establishment, our Companybegan to provide cleaning services in many industrial,domestic and public entities.Our company, which cooperates with the company havingthe most modern techniques of European countries and usesits equipment is proud to be one of the leading companies inour country, performing all types of cleaning activities.BestCleaning Company fulfills customer orders in accordancewith the highest standards and fully.
Based on full localinvestment, in a short time, the company strengthened in themarket and now has extensive and long-term cooperationwith the private sector and government agencies. Ouremployees are directed to implement the high quality worksand customer requirements at the level of internationalstandards.
Since the beginning of our activity, the number of clientsserved by our company with very high developmentdynamics has been hundreds already
In order to meet the needs of our customers on a regularbasis, cleaning papers, chemical cleaners, cleaning suppliesare delivered from Turkey to our warehouse. Our warehousestores goods that meet the minimum requirement of 4-months.Taking into account the activity in service area, our companypays special attention to the human factor.Therefore, westrive to apply justice and the right human resources policy atthe maximum level.Currently, our company has a registrationdatabase of more than 2 employees.
This base isconstantly updated. We may use these staff immediately ifneeded.To continually improve the professionalism and knowledge ofour employees, different trainings are organized and variousmaster classes held by professionals invited fromabroad.Since the beginning of our activity, the number ofclients served by our company with very high developmentdynamics has been thousands already.Each year, certain investments are made to improve thematerial and technical base of our company.
Presently, wehave various equipment and cleaning machines with totalworth more than 500 AZN owned by this company. Byproviding this information about our company, we would liketo inform you that our company is able to cope with all kindsof cleaning services professionally, regardless of scale andwe invite you to take advantage of our services.